

Health Advice on the
Prevention of Respiratory Tract Infections

  • In view of a recent outbreak of febrile respiratory illness among health care staff in Prince of Wales Hospital, the Department of Health (DH) is conducting a detailed investigation with the Hospital Authority and the Hong Kong University and Chinese University of Hong Kong to identify the cause of infection. The situation will be monitored closely.
  • The Department of Health has informed the World Health Organization (WHO) about the latest developments. Hong Kong is working closely with the WHO on disease control and prevention.

Advice applicable to all

  • As a precautionary measure, members of the public are advised to take precautionary measures to prevent respiratory tract infections:
    • Build up good body immunity. This means taking a proper diet, having regular exercise and adequate rest, reducing stress and avoiding smoking

    • Maintain good personal hygiene, and wash hands after sneezing, coughing or cleaning the nose

    • Avoid touching the eyes, nose and mouth. If necessary, wash hands before touching them

    • Maintain good ventilation

    • Avoid visiting crowded places with poor ventilation

    • Do not share towels

    • Use serving utensils at meal times

    • Consult their doctor promptly if they develop respiratory symptoms

For schools and pre-school institutions and other institutional settings

For health care workers in clinic setting

  • There is as at date no unusual upsurge of pneumonia cases in the community.

  • All clinic staff should enforce strict infection control measures appropriate for their particular setting, especially observance of good personal hygiene.

  • If staff fall sick, they should report to their seniors and take sick leave as appropriate.

  • Where considered necessary, for example, treating or nursing a patient with respiratory symptoms, staff may wear masks.

  • Patients with respiratory symptoms are advised to wear mask to reduce the chance of spread of the infection.

Caring for sick family members with respiratory illness

  • Patients should consult a doctor if they are unwell.

  • They should follow instructions given by the doctor including the use of drugs as prescribed and taking adequate rest as appropriate.

  • Adhere to good personal hygiene practices.

  • Ensure adequate ventilation.

  • Patients should put on masks to reduce the chance of spread of infection to carers.

  • Carers may also put on masks to reduce the chance of acquiring infection through the airways.

Department of Health
25 March 2003
