

A Local Case of Dengue Fever in 2003

7 October 2003

Dear Doctor,

In Hong Kong, local dengue fever (DF) cases were first detected in late September in 2002. This year, we have recorded 41 imported DF cases and, yesterday, one local DF case was confirmed. The local case involved a 26 years old man who had onset of illness on 27 September 2003. His symptoms included fever, headache, myalgia and rash. His condition is stable. Preliminary investigation reveals that he has not travelled outside Hong Kong for the past few months. He lives in Yuen Long and works in Kwai Chung Container Terminal. Further investigation, active surveillance and control actions are being conducted. I would like to seek your kind support in the control of dengue fever in Hong Kong.

At present, the most effective strategy to control DF is to enhance disease surveillance and control the mosquito vectors. In this regard, medical practitioners are urged to report DF cases, whether suspected or confirmed, to the respective Regional Office of the Department of Health (DH):

During weekends, public holidays or after office hours, urgent notification can be made to the duty Medical Control Officer of the DH (Tel. No. : 7116 3300 call 9179).

Laboratory confirmation of dengue virus infection is available in the Government Virus Unit (GVU) of DH. Should laboratory confirmation for dengue infection for clinically indicated patients (especially those who have history of travel to dengue endemic areas or those who live or work in Yuen Long or Kwai Chung) be required, please collect 4 ml clotted blood from the patient during the acute phase of the illness and send the specimen to GVU, 9/F., Public Health Laboratory Centre, 382 Nam Cheong Street, Shek Kip Mei, Kowloon. A second blood specimen taken 7-10 days later may be required to confirm the diagnosis. You can also contact the GVU at telephone number 2319 8247 if you have any enquiries.

Since the outcome of patients suffering from dengue haemorrhagic fever/dengue shock syndrome (DHF/DSS) can be markedly improved with early diagnosis and treatment, all patients suspected to be suffering from DHF/DSS should be referred to hospitals for appropriate management.

Please also help educate your clients to eliminate mosquito breeding places in their domestic environment and vicinity.

Doctors should also be on the alert for travel-related illnesses, including DF when seeing patients coming back from endemic areas. Travellers who intend to visit these areas should be advised to take precautionary measures to prevent mosquito bite. These include :

  • wearing long sleeved clothes and trousers,
  • using insect repellents over exposed parts of the body when outdoors, and
  • using mosquito screens or nets when the room is not air-conditioned.
