27 December 2003
Dear Doctor,
Guangdong Department of Health notified Hong Kong Department of Health a suspected case of SARS case in Panyu (���f�����x ), Guangdong province. The patient is now isolated in hospital. Close contacts of the patient reportedly did not have fever. We will maintain contact with Guangdong and update the medical profession of new developments
In Hong Kong, surveillance and preventive measures against SARS have been kept in place. We are maintaining mandatory health declarations and temperature screening checks are mandatory for passengers arriving from Guangdong. In addition, we are stepping up broadcasts at border check points and deploying port health staff to distribute health information leaflets and health alert cards to flight passengers arriving from Guangzhou.
Please maintain due vigilance in infection control measures in your health care facility and maintain good staff sickness records, and report to the Department of Health of any suspected SARS case or acute respiratory illness outbreak.
Advice and information for health care professionals can be found in the DH website: http://www.chp.gov.hk/en/guideline_infection/346.html .
For prevention of SARS and respiratory tract infection, please advise your clients to adopt the following measures: